
legwork.visualisation.plot_1D_dist(x, weights=None, disttype='hist', log_scale=False, fig=None, ax=None, show=True, figsize=(10, 7), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, color=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a 1D distribution of x.

This function is a wrapper for matplotlib.pyplot.hist(), seaborn.kdeplot() and seaborn.ecdfplot().

xfloat/int array

Variable to plot, should be a 1D array

weightsfloat/int array

Weights for each variable in x, must have the same shape

disttype{{ “hist”, “kde”, “ecdf” }}

Which type of distribution plot to use


Whether to plot log10(x) instead of x

fig: `matplotlib Figure`

A figure on which to plot the distribution. Both ax and fig must be supplied for either to be used

ax: `matplotlib Axis`

An axis on which to plot the distribution. Both ax and fig must be supplied for either to be used


Whether to immediately show the plot or only return the Figure and Axis


Tuple with size for the x- and y-axis if creating a new figure (i.e. ignored when fig/ax is not None)


Label for the x axis, passed to Axes.set_xlabel()


Label for the y axis, passed to Axes.set_ylabel()


Lower and upper limits for the x axis, passed to Axes.set_xlim()


Lower and upper limits for the y axis, passed to Axes.set_ylim()

colorstring or tuple

Colour to use for the plot, see for details on how to specify a colour

**kwargs(if disttype==”hist”)

Include values for any of bins, range, density, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, label or more. See matplotlib.pyplot.hist() for more details.

**kwargs(if disttype==”kde”)

Include values for any of gridsize, cut, clip, legend, cumulative, bw_method, bw_adjust, log_scale, fill, label, linewidth, linestyle or more. See seaborn.kdeplot() for more details.

**kwargs(if disttype==”ecdf”)

Include values for any of stat, complementary, log_scale, legend, label, linewidth, linestyle or more. See seaborn.edcfplot() for more details.

figmatplotlib Figure

The figure on which the distribution is plotted

axmatplotlib Axis

The axis on which the distribution is plotted